About The Maker
If you don’t know me already, hello! I’m Shelby Davis. Aka the SD of SDesigns. I could write pages of how I got started, how I do it, and where I want to be. It’s been such an awesome journey that I could talk forever about. I guess the easiest way to say it, is that all of this was an accident.. haha. I remember when I first figured out how to make a shirt I thought it was so cool. I remember watching what felt like hundreds of YouTube’s videos, trying to figure it out. The first design I put on a shirt was the “God is Greater Than the Highs and Lows.” I posted it on my Instagram story and all of a sudden like fifteen people replied saying they wanted one. As more and more people ordered, I decided to create a new page just for the shirt. So on January 28, 2018 SDesigns was created! People began asking for other designs, so of course I did! I’ve always had a passion for social media. Can that be a thing? What I mean is editing, taking pictures, designing, things like that! That’s honestly my favorite part about this. I love being creative and coming up with new designs and posts. Having this page, it was my outlet to do so. SDesigns slowly grew bigger and bigger and I’ve learned what to do. I don’t have some business degree, I’m 20 years old. I’ve figured out how to do everything as the times have come. I have to give lots of credit to my friends, co workers, family, boyfriend, and my God. There’s no way I could have made it this far by myself. I’ve had nothing but support from them and I am very thankful for that. SDesigns grew from a fun hobby, to a legit business and job for me. It’s insane how much people like t shirts. But hey, that’s fine with me! I feel like a lot of people misconceptions about my business. I make all of the shirts in my room. My floor is always scattered with boxes and t shirts everywhere. It has always been me doing everything. Ordering the shirts, making them, packaging them, shipping/meeting up with you guys, creating designs, running my page, doing the website, taking pictures to post, and chatting with you guys in messaging. You get it lol. At times it can get every stressful and overwhelming. Honestly what keeps me doing is people supporting me. The constant love people give me means so much. More than they each know. People who don’t even know me will reach out to me and simply say they love my designs and love what I do. Even when people hype me up on my photos or tag me in their shirts on their personal pages. It reminds me that people do appreciate and love what I do. And that’s why I love what I do! SDesigns has changed my life in so many ways and has taught me a lot about life. I hope to continue this page for years. I can’t wait to see where we are headed.